By Bruce Meadows
October 2019
Operation 36 off and running . . .
Operation 36 is a new and unique way of teaching the game of golf and it’s proving to be popular at Healdsburg’s Tayman Park Golf Course.
“The Operation 36 Junior Academy, Adult Practice and our Bootcamps are going great,” says Tayman Pro LPGA pro Amanda Beeler. “The addition of an Op36 Match every other Saturday really helps players see where and how the information and instruction applies.”
Here’s how Amanda explains the program:
“Operation 36 is a Program with an objective is to create golfers and help them shoot par. At Healdsburg Golf Club, we are running a Junior Academy, with three different levels of participation, an Adult Practice Class, as well as New & Intermediate Golfer Bootcamps.

“Now that programming is in session, we’re working towards implementing Op36 at our Ukiah and Santa Rosa Fairgrounds courses as well.
“The Operation 36 ten-level curriculum surrounds a program that involves training, learning, and playing which provides the player with an environment to develop skills and track progress.
“The first division is played from 25 yards. Playing 9 holes from 25 yards allows beginning and intermediate golfers the opportunity to manage their pace of play, focus on short-game and in most cases achieve par much sooner than our historical teaching methods. Op36 provides new and intermediate golfers with more control over their individual game.
“The Op36 teaching structure emphasizes smaller class-size in conjunction with bi-monthly tournament play with other players. Through the Op36 app, golfers have the flexibility to track their progress through the course of their training. It truly provides a sense of community among fellow golfers and real time access to their statistics, showcasing their improvement or what needs attention.
“As a coach, Op36 provides me with the structure to manage the various skill levels of the golfers, track their progress, and focus on areas of individual improvement. Smaller class size yields more one-on-one time and the bi-monthly Op36 Matches provide an opportunity for each golfer to showcase their skills and graduate to the next level.
“This program provides a more cohesive training and learning structure for both coaches and students alike.”
It’s an intriguing concept, where golfers don’t particularly have to spend time working on various aspects of the game with a pro on the driving range or practice green with no practical, real-life application.
Beginning golfers tee it up on the first hole, but while the hole might be 150 yards, they tee it up from 25 yards, making it much more likely they will score par on, in this case, a par-3 hole.”
The goal is to shoot “par” from the shorter distance. When that is accomplished they move on to a longer distance and from that spot, once again try to equal par.
According to Operation 36, “golfers actually play at full nine holes on the course . . . most programs shy away from getting a new golfer on the course,” adding “a brand-new golfer can finish playing nine holes under 1.5 hours and won have to worry about holding up other groups.”
If you’ve ever been out for a round of golf, and come up a group of beginners, you know the wait can be aggravating, especially for the less-patient golfers. Additionally, new golfers are not always aware of “waving up” a group playing behind them.
If you want to participate in an Operation 36 Class, Bootcamp, or Junior Academy, contact Amanda Beeler at 707-239-0624 or

Santa Rosa City Championships
The 2019 Santa Rosa City Golf Championships, being played in memory of Rene Purugganan, are scheduled Oct. 2-6-27 at Bennett Valley GC.
Format will be stroke play over 36 holes in this NCGA point event. Field is limited to 40 players in net divisions, 80 players in gross divisions (Senior and Championship flights combined).
Entry fee is $160, which includes green fees and range balls both days; practice rounds Wednesday through Friday after 11 a.m. during tournament week (cost $25, cart included); first-place trophies for Championship Flight and Senior Division; gift certificates for all flights.
Deadline is Oct. 18, at 6 p.m; any cancellations after Wednesday, Oct. 23 will be forfeited.
For starting times, call the golf shop (707-528-3673) beginning Thursday, Oct. 24, after 8 a.m.
Golf with Jessica . . .
Oakmont LPGA pro Jessica Reese Quayle is offering Wednesday clinics on a variety of aspects of the game.
Classes start at 10 a.m and last for an hour. Cost is $35 per class, which includes golf balls.
To sign up, email Jessica at or do it on her web site.
Remaining classes include lag putts and green reading Oct. 2, fairway woods Oct. 9, fairway bunkers Oct. 16, distance control with pitching Oct. 23 and the driver, Oct. 30.
Jessica explains that “I get asked all the time from students about how they can get more distance off the tee without swinging faster and contorting your body.”
“The easiest way is to hit the sweet spot . . . if you miss the spot by an inch the cost is 10% of your driving distance.”
“An easy way to see if you are contacting the face is to get some powder foot spray (I use Gold Bond), spray your club lightly and swing away.”
“If you are missing the sweet spot, things to consider that you can do on your own include: distance away from the ball, tee height, ball position, angle of attack, swing plane/path and extension.”
What about playing golf by yourself?
You can play golf in a variety of ways . . . you can compete individually or as a team but even when you play individually you may be playing in a group.
Golf is a social sport so playing with your regular golf companions can be a very enjoyable social activity.
But there are those who promote playing with others while at the same time encouraging golfers to consider playing alone.
Stated advantages I have read about include:
There’s no pressure. Most golfer experience some kind of added pressure and/or tension when playing in a group . . . playing with someone new for the first time can add to the tension.
Hit a few bad shots and they can have a snowball effect. When playing alone, you can shrug off the bad shots and move on.
Play whatever tee you want. By playing off a differed colored tee, you will have different approach shots than you are accustomed to playing from tees you usually use. This gives you practice with clubs you might not normally use.
Set your own pace. Playing alone, you don’t have to feel rushed by other players in your group or groups behind you. If a single or a group catches up to you, let them pass. You can alter your pace so you don’t need to affect a group in front of you . . . maybe take an extra chip shot or putt. Take the extra time to think about your shots, good and bad, and practice your pre-shot routine.
Play two balls. Hitting two balls if the pace of play allows is a good way to avoid overtaking groups in front of you. You can play a “worst-ball scramble” by yourself. Hit two shots and play the worst one . . . that can be a good way to practice tough shots.
You can talk to yourself. Not necessarily negative talk . . . give yourself motivation, verbally congratulate yourself after good shots, etc.
Do you prefer playing along or with a group? There are advantages to both, but let me know what you think.
‘Save the date’ . . .
Tom Isaac is reminding golfers to “save the date” for the 11th annual golf tournament to benefit the B’nai Israel Jewish Center.
The event is scheduled Sunday, Oct. 13, at Foxtail North GC in Rohnert Park. The tournament will be followed by dinner, with Tom planning to get more details out in the near future. That includes the entry fee, with “your entire contribution going to the B’nai Israel Jewish Center.”
Registration will be 11:30 a.m. with a 12:30 p.m. shotgun start to follow.
Glow Ball at Fairgrounds. . .
Fairgrounds GC has one more Glow Ball event this year, Friday, Oct. 25. Sign up in the Pro Shop, or call 284-3520.
Let’s hear from you . . .
Thanks again for comments, questions and suggestions. I love to get them and would really like to get as many as possible. If you have information about anything golf-related, including upcoming clinics, activities, tournaments or sales, please let me know. And if you have questions, complaints or compliments about golf in our area, I want to hear them.
If you have a golfer you know who you think would make an interesting story, tell me about it and I will take it from there. Having trouble with your game? Let me know what it is and I’ll try to get an answer for you from a local pro.
We would be proud to include you as one of our sponsors – thanks to Bill Carson at Wine Country Golf for his continued support – so if you care to get some details about being a sponsor of GOLF 707, email me at