The CIF Announced today that in collaboration with the 10 Sections, will be determining by July 20 if Fall Sports will continue as currently scheduled. The CIF is prepared to offer alternative calendars if it is determined by July 20 that Fall sports may not start as scheduled due to ongoing public health and safety concerns. was sent a press release shortly after 9am this morning.
“The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) believes education based athletics and all co-curricular activities are essential to the physical, mental, and social well-being of students and realizes the impact and challenges that COVID-19 has caused for our member schools and education-based athletics. We continue to monitor the directives and guidelines released from the Governor’s Office, the California Department of Education and State/Local County Health Departments and Agencies as these directives and guidelines are followed by our member schools/school districts when they are planning when and how to
reopen school this Fall.”
The CIF announced new guidlines for Return to Physical Activity/Training, including a phase by phase re-start of athletic activity. Read those guidelines here.
For those athletes with parents who lost their jobs or experienced financial hardships during the SIP, the CIF announced that a waiver may be granted for a student who transfers to a new school during the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year when there is a demonstrated and verifiable hardship condition due to financial difficulties. In assessing whether a financial hardship will be granted, the family must provide evidence of an unforeseeable, unavoidable and uncorrectable act, condition, or event resulting from the COVID 19 virus that necessitated the transfer of schools. This would only apply to CIF sanctioned Fall sports for the 2020-2021 school year, however, the CIF can choose to extend that period to winter and/or spring sports if they deem it necessary.
“As we look to the upcoming 2020-2021 school year and sports seasons, our main priority remains everyone’s ongoing health and safety during this challenging time.” The CIF stated in their release.
As of right now, Fall sports practice is set to begin on August 10, with first football games being allowed on August 26, and other sports have varying dates. Winter sports are slated to begin November 2nd.
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